Since having coaching sessions with Nicola, I catch myself almost on the daily thinking, “Wow, I couldn’t have done this a year ago”. Even my family and friends have noticed a change. The journey hasn’t always been easy but it’s been SO necessary. To list everything I’ve gained would turn into a short novel, so here’s the synopsis: I feel like I’ve come home. Nicola’s breadth and depth of knowledge, her uncompromising honesty, her compassion, humanity and her humour have made it all possible. What’s touched me most is her ability to hold space when I’ve felt really triggered, allowing me to work on deep-rooted issues I’ve been carrying around my whole life. It’s worth mentioning that I’d already been through a year of counselling, I wasn’t sure what coaching could unpick that a therapist hadn’t been able to address. Spoiler alert: everything. Everyone has their path but this was the best one for me. And I look forward to continuing this process together. From the bottom of my heart: thank you.